Surface vs. Embedded Mold, Treat the Problem, Don’t Just Hide It!
Let’s get one thing straight: Concrobium is not just any old household cleaner. While many competitor products treat surface mold, The Canadian developer of Concrobium invested time and extensive research into developing a solution that can get right to the heart of the problem. Using bleach or similar cleaning products may leave your home looking clean, but there’s likely nasty embedded mold still clinging on, lurking just beneath the surface. These standard surface cleaners do not treat the actual mold spores, leaving the root of the stain unaffected. What this means is that this mold can grow back – as if you’d never cleaned it at all.
Tough, embedded mold staining often makes homeowners immediately jump to harsh – and toxic – chemicals in order to remove it – understandably thinking that this is the only thing that will do the job. But harsh doesn’t mean that it works. The potent smell of bleach only gives the illusion of cleanliness, rather than destroying the mold spores that cause the dirty black staining you are trying to treat. Concrobium Mold Control provides the first line of defence, using a patented and proven formula to treat mold at the root, preventing it from growing back without the need for toxic chemicals. When treating visible mold stains, we suggest trying out the Concrobium Mold Stain Eraser. You will see black mold stains disappear in minutes. What you won’t see is the really exciting part: but we promise you that it’s happening beneath the surface! And we can prove it, as the stains won’t pop up again.
Concrobium is Non Toxic
Bleach and related cleaning products may be able to remove mold on some non-porous materials, however the active ingredient [chlorine] cannot penetrate porous surfaces like drywall, materials or wood. Some of the mold on the surface might be killed but the roots of the mold are left intact meaning the mold soon returns, leaving you in a cycle of repeated bleaching. The most evident disadvantage of bleach is that it can damage the materials it’s used on, as it is a harsh, corrosive chemical. Bleach gives off harsh fumes and it even produces toxic gas when mixed with ammonia. Fumes from bleach and toxic chemical cleaners can cause coughing, sore throats and airway irritation. When exposed to skin, they cause redness and irritation. There’s no arguing that when it comes to mold removal, there are safer and more effective alternatives…
Concrobium Mold Control is a patented solution comprised of water and inorganic salts. The unique, tri-salt polymer dries on moldy surfaces to crush existing mold spores and remains on the substrate to provide ongoing mold protection. It’s non-toxic, and will get right to the heart of embedded mold, destroying the spores and ensuring your mold problem does not return.
It’s a no brainer! Treat the problem, don’t just hide it.
Here’s what one of our customers had to say:
‘’I have expensive outside furniture and I was very disappointed when dark black spots started to show up everywhere. I had zippers put on all my 12 cushions in order to throw them in the wash. After throwing all cushions in the wash twice and a trip to the dry cleaners I still had dark mold spots on my cushions. I was told from the dry cleaners that nothing would get the mold out. I was no ready to give up so I went out shopping and came across your magic eraser. I followed the instructions and left the product on my cushions overnight. The next morning the stain was 100% gone and no discoloration!!!! Thank you so much for this amazing magical product. The product far exceeded my expectations that this is the first review I have ever done!!! Michalowski, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.