Mold Myth Mondays: Fact vs. Fiction, “Bleach kills mold”
The myth that bleach is the only thing that kills mold, has been passed on to us from generation to generation. In fact, some mold remediation companies and contractors still use this very practice today. While there are benefits to using bleach-such as disinfecting and sterilizing-the cons of using bleach definitely outweigh the pros. So, how do you change people’s mind when they’ve been taught this myth all their lives? By deciphering fact from fiction.
Fact: Bleach Removes Mold Stains Only
So, why do homeowners believe bleach kills mold? Because the mold stain disappears after using bleach. If you can’t see it anymore then the mold must be dead, right? Wrong! You see, mold is like a plant in the sense that it grows roots and attaches itself to porous surfaces such as drywall, concrete and even fabrics. In these cases, bleach will only remove the mold stain and not the roots, allowing for re-growth. Also, bleach does not prevent mold, which is another reason mold keeps coming back.
Fact: Bleach is Toxic
Have you ever used bleach and felt like you could barely breathe? One homeowner recently told us they had to stay out of the room for days because the fumes were so pungent. Think of your loved ones, your children, and what introducing a known toxin into their living space can do to their health and safety. Or consider what bleach can do to your household surfaces: it can ruin or discolor many surfaces, causing damage to your family heirlooms, antiques, and your everyday furniture.
Concrobium Mold Control
There’s a safer way to eliminate and clean mold, without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals: Concrobium Mold Control, an EPA-registered solution that eliminates and prevents mold on porous AND non-porous, hard surfaces! Do-it-Yourselfers and professionals use it for:
- Mold clean-up during remodeling projects
- Mold and mildew treatments while painting
- Mold prevention in homes and facilities
- Musty odor control in vulnerable areas
Concrobium Mold Control dries to form an invisible antimicrobial shield that encapsulates and physically crushes mold spores. The antimicrobial barrier remains on surfaces to provide continuous protection against mold growth.